
As old as written history, as young as a raindrop. The ancient, very ancient, old, new, newest and everything in between live, blend and adapt to a symphony of vibrant Nature in all her glory and resilience. Lebanon took my breath away together with a piece of my heart!

The land where anything and everything can, and does, happen. Then the sun shines, births a new day, new possibilities, new dawn. The living wipe their tears, fears and previous night’s dreams. Start anew and move on. Don’t panic. Life goes on.

In 2019, people in Lebanon went to the banks to get cash. There was none. Nada! Their money went poof! Just like that. Don’t panic. Life goes on.

Lebanon is a multi-party democracy with many religious and ethnic sects represented. In 2022, their president resigned. The parties couldn’t agree on a new one. What to do? Nothing. Don’t panic. Life goes on.

The country ran without a president before. Just like that. A great example of the fallacy of our current power structures. When I think of all the hype, significance and attention the media and pop culture give to figureheads, it feels like a very bad joke at best. Sadly, we buy into this sick drama and put our attention and valuable resources into things that don’t really matter.

After going through hell and back, Lebanese people figured out what’s really important. They have their families, friends, neighbors, abundant Nature and big hearts! That’s what really matters. Despite the wars, crises, fires, natural and artificial disasters, I haven’t seen any homeless people on the streets. People are very generous with whatever they have, and they have a lot of love, compassion, class and beauty.

Inspired by their rich, generous and beautiful land, people love to enjoy life, no matter what it throws at them.

Not surprisingly, Lebanon is the birthplace of Gibran Khalil Gibran, Fairuz and many world renowned artists. Gibran accurately reflected the spirit of Lebanon in his poem, made famous by Fairuz angelic voice:

أعطني الناي وغني، فالغنى سر الخلود 

“Give me the flute and sing. For singing is the secret to eternity.”

هل فرشت العشب ليلاً و تلحفت الفضاء؟

زاهداً فيما سيأتي، ناسياً ما قد مضى!

“Have you ever lied on the grass at night, covered by the skies?

Uninterested in what’s coming, forgetting what had passed”

Thank you Lebanon!

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